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How to Get Your Illinois Driver’s License Reinstated After DUI

 Posted on August 10,2020 in DUI

How to Get Your Illinois Driver’s License Reinstated After DUIDrunk or impaired driving is a serious criminal offense in Illinois that endangers both the driver and anyone else on or near the road. In the interest of public safety, one of the penalties for driving under the influence (DUI) is the suspension or revocation of the driver’s license for a period of time. There are ways for arrested or convicted drivers to regain their driving privileges after completing their sentence, but in order for you to have your license reinstated, you must follow the necessary procedures under Illinois law.

Suspension Vs. Revocation in an Illinois DUI Arrest

If you are arrested for DUI in Illinois, you may have your license either suspended or revoked depending on the situation. Circumstances that lead to these consequences include:

  • Refusing to submit to a chemical test. If you are stopped under suspicion of DUI and refuse to submit to the officer’s blood alcohol content (BAC) or THC test, you can face a statutory summary suspension of your driver’s license for up to 12 months. This suspension is enforceable even if you are not ultimately convicted.
  • Testing above the legal limit. If you do not have a prior DUI conviction and you submit to the officer’s chemical test and are found to have a BAC above 0.08 or a THC blood level of over 5 nanograms per milliliter, you can face a summary suspension of your license for up to six months. Repeat offenses can result in longer suspensions.
  • Being convicted of DUI. If after a trial verdict or plea bargain you are found guilty of DUI and convicted, your license can be revoked for at least one year. The revocation period may be longer for repeat offenses or offenses with aggravating circumstances.

Completing the Reinstatement Process

The process of getting your license reinstated is different depending on whether it was suspended or revoked. For reinstatement after the conclusion of a summary suspension, you need only ensure that your license is not subject to any other suspensions or revocations and send a reinstatement fee of $250 to the office of the Illinois Secretary of State. This fee increases to $500 for repeat offenders.

The process is more complicated for a revoked license. Before reinstatement, you must submit to an alcohol and drug evaluation as well as any required treatment, and you must complete an alcohol and drug education program. You will also need to appear for a hearing with the office of the Secretary of State and demonstrate that your driving record is clear and that you will not continue to endanger the public after your license is reinstated. Finally, you will need to pass a driver’s license exam and submit a reinstatement fee of $500 to the office of the Secretary of State.

Contact a Rolling Meadows DUI Defense Attorney

Drivers who are arrested or convicted of DUI have a right to seek reinstatement of their license after completing the terms of their sentence. If you have been arrested for DUI, hiring a defense attorney can help you reduce or challenge your suspension, avoid a conviction and revocation, and ensure that you follow the appropriate steps to regain your license and driving privileges. Contact Hartsfield Law at 312-245-1700 for a free consultation with a Chicago criminal defense lawyer who can stand up for you.


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